
Client Management Software by Computerease


Bank Export and Payment Processing




Bank Export:

This utility searches for payments due, creates receipts, advances payment due dates and optionally creates a batch file for your payment processor.

If you are using Bluefin all payments are processed directly through their payment gateway.

Information may be exported to a TRANSACTION file, also called a Batch file, for bank and/or credit card processing, automatically create Receipts History records for all payments and advance payment due dates. These “Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)” records may be sent direct to a bank, to an EFT processor or imported into your banking or check printing software. Several EFT processors are listed on our web site, if you are looking for one. If you are updating to the US banking system, most any EFT processor or bank that accepts ACH (NACHA) format files will be acceptable. This EXPORT can be run on demand Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Monthly. Each time it is run an Export File will be created with payments based on client Payment Due dates and Fee amounts set up in the client file.

NOTE: If your payments are being processed by some external means or you are printing “Check Drafts”, you should use this utility to just create receipts and advance payment due dates (See Creating Receipts Only).


Be sure to backup your data files before using this utility. This insures that you can start over again if your banking file becomes corrupt or is rejected by your payment processor.


Unless you are using Bluefin Payment Systems this Bank Export utility DOES NOT process DEBIT cards or AUTHORIZE Credit Cards. You must use a Point Of Sale device or Virtual Terminal external software like “Vanco” or “PCCharge” for this process.


Bluefin Payments Help File


If you are going to process Credit Card transactions and Direct Deposits you will need to set up an account with a Payment processor. You can use most any Payment Processor. A list of the Payment Processors that are compatible with the system is contained in this help file. The Bluefin Payment processor has been integrated with our Point of Sale system. The advantages to using Bluefin are contained in this PDF document: Advantages to Bluefin.


If you have high speed Internet Access the following links will run a Video Tutorial for this Bank Export function.


Bank Export - Introduction (4 Minutes)


Bank Export - Detail (10 Minutes)


Before Using Bank Export:

Before using the Bank Export utility for the first time you must go to the “Payment Types” table on the Tables menu and review the payment types that you want exported using this utility.

For direct bank transfer or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), select the payment type you want to use for this. A payment type called “Debit/EFT” may be used for this purpose or you can set up a new one. The Radio Button field labeled “Include in Bank Deposit File” MUST be checked for all payment types that are for EFT. It is recommended that you use just one payment type for EFT. Checking this field will tell the system to include this payment type in the EFT export file.

NOTE: This payment type MUST be assigned to each client in the “Future Payment Method” field of the client file for those clients you want to process as an EFT.


For Credit Cards, make sure the “Include in Credit Card File” radio button is checked on each credit card payment type. Checking this field will tell the system to include this payment type in the EFT export file.  You may add additional credit card and payment types as needed, but it is recommended you NOT delete any existing credit card payment types. The “Future Payment Method” in the client file MUST be set to the credit card type you are using.


NOTE: Only certain payment processors will accept both Credit Cards and EFT’s in the same file. Be sure to check with them if you are uncertain. In most cases you will need to create one batch file for Direct Deposits and another one for Credit Cards.



If you want to use this utility for the purpose of JUST creating Receipt History records, without sending information to a bank or payment processor, uncheck the “Check Bank Accounts” check box; use the “R_BNK” processor code to Record Bank Deposit receipts and the “R_CC” processor code to Record Credit Card Receipts. You will use this option if your payment processor maintains a permanent list of clients and payments and you just need to record receipts for these.

Press the “Start Payment Search” button, Print the list and check it against the actual payment list provided by your bank or payment processor. Then press the “Record Receipts Only” button. This procedure will save you time because receipts will be automatically created for all your clients and you do not need to post each one manually and the Payment Due dates will be advanced to the next due date.



Also, before using the Bank Export utility you must contact a payment processor who can accept the banking file produced by this utility. In Canada, your payment processor will be one of the chartered banks or the CPA format, used by Credit Unions. In the US, many local banks will accept an ACH (NACHA) format file for processing direct bank charges. You must contact them to see if they can process the file. If they do not know what an ACH file is, you can assume they do not process these files. Several payment processors are listed on the Links page of our web site. You may contact one of these or use another payment processor who accepts ACH (NACHA) format files. If you want to process credit cards a payment processor must also be contacted. In some cases, such as Money Movers and Plug’n Pay, they will process both deposits and credit card transactions.


Payment Processor Selections:

The following established payment processor export options are available. You must select the one that you want to use and suits your purpose. It is advisable to get competitive quotes from several payment processors; this could save you a great deal of money in processing fees.


R_BNK    Receipts Only - Bank                            Use this code to just process Direct Deposit receipts without creating an export file.

R_CC      Receipts Only – Credit Cards                              Use this code to just process Credit Card receipts without creating an export file.

ACH        Automated Clearing House                  Use this to create a NACHA format file (ACH) for direct bank account charges in the US.

                                                                                Note: Some Banks require the Destination ID be the Transit Number. If this is the case you MUST put the Transit Number in the EFT Processor Destination ID filed in the Bank Setup screen.

Many payment processors and local banks accept this file format.

Also use with EFT Canada. (www.eftcanada.com )

AUTH      Authorize.net                                          Use for Credit Card upload to Authorize.net processor. Merchant Warehouse can use the AUTHORIZE.NET file format.

In the upload gateway must go to settings and change the “Field Inclusion and Order” default settings to agree with CE File which should be the DEFAULT settings.

APS (Automated Payment Systems uses this format also)

ACHD      ACH Direct                                             Use this for both DEPOSITS(EFT) and CREDIT CARD Transactions. See ACH Direct section for more detail. (1-888-235-4635 or 1-866-290-5400) (www.achdirect.com)

BLUE       Bluefin Payment                                      Use this to set up details for Bluefin Payment processing. Bluefin Payments Help File

BBL         Bendigo Bank Ltd                                 Bendigo Bank Ltd Australia (Deposits).

BBLC       Bendigo Bank Ltd                                 Bendigo Bank Ltd Australia. (Credit Cards)

BMO        Bank of Montreal                                   Use this to export Bank Account transactions in Canada only.

BNS         Bank of Nova Scotia                             Use this to export Bank Account transactions for “Scotia Direct - Asynchronous Transmission File Specification“ in 105 character record length format in Canada only.

CIBC       Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce               Use this to export Bank Account transactions in Canada only.

CBA         CBA Credit Card                                    Use with VanCity payment processor for Credit Unions.

CPA         Canadian Payments Assoc.                 Use this only in Canada for Credit Union processing.

                                                                                Use also with EFT Canada processor (www.eftcanada.com )

                                                                                Central 1 Credit Union (Check “Make Item Trace Number All Spaces” on Bank Info screen.

CW          Check Writer                                          Use this to create a file for import into the Check Writer (check draft printing) software.

Refer to “Check Writer” section in this document for detailed procedure.

DE           Deposit Express (Deposits)                 Handles Bank Account transactions in the US.

DEC        Deposit Express (Credit Cards)          Handles Credit Card Transactions for Deposit Express

EC           Express Check (LaserFax)                   Use this to export to the Express Check draft printing software.

Refer to “Express Check” section in this document for detailed procedure.

HSBC      HSBC Bank Canada                              Use with Deposits to HSBC only. Uses a variation of the CPA standard.

MMC       Money Movers (ICVERIFY)                  Use this for Credit Card transactions processed by Money Movers.

                                                                                This may also be used to import into ICVERIFY software.

MON       Moneris eSelect Credit Cards                              Use this with the eSelect Credit Card batch processing for Moneris. This is popular in Canada.

NEXT      Next Wave                                              Use this to process through Next Wave payment processor.

NBC        National Bank of Canada                     Use for deposits with National Bank of Canada

PCC        PC Charge                                             Use this for Credit Card transactions going to the PC Charge software.

See section on PcCharge at end of document.

Global Payments support this PCCharge.

Total Merchant Services uses Global Payments which suports PCCharge.

PNP         Plug’n Pay                                              Use this for both Bank Deposits and Credit card transactions going to Plug N Pay.

                                                                                Both transactions types will be included in the export file.

                                                                                Used by Merchant Treasury Services, Calgary Alberta, also.

PTECH    Paymentech                                           Used for Credit Cards. In the Bank Setup screen enter "E-xactBatchFileV1.0" in the Originator# field and enter your 9 digit Gateway ID into the User ID# field. 


Merchant Treasury Services                                Uses PNP file process for both credit card and direct deposit.

ROYAL    Royal Bank of Canada                          Use this to export Bank Account transactions for the Royal Bank in Canada. (Does not accept credit cards)

SCP          Standard for Canadian Payments           Use for Credit Card processing with Desjardins Financial. Credit Unions may use this also. NOTE: Uses Receipt Date as Transaction Date in batch file. Short Name MUST be 10 characters or less; used in Field 3 of HEADER record.

TFW        Trim Fit Well                                          Use for Bank and Credit Card payments. Secure Encrypted account transfer.

TD           Toronto Dominion Bank (80)                               Use this to export Bank Account transactions in Canada only.

TDCC      Toronto Dominion Credit Card                           Use this to create a Credit Card transaction file that can be imported into the TD PC Batch Software.

TD600     Toronto Dominion Bank (600)                             Use this to export Bank Account and Credit Card transactions in Canada only. Batch file name ends with “.td600”.

TEXT       Generic Text file                                    Use this to create a generic comma separated text file of bank transaction.

This may be used if you have pre-printed CD’s and just want to record receipts and advance payment due dates.

UBA         Ulster Bank Auto Money Trans            Use this to create file for Ulster Bank in Ireland.

WARP     VIAWARP                                               Use this to create a file for VIAWARP payment processor. Used by COSTCO and ELAVON credit card processors.

XCG        X-Charge                                                                Use to process Credit Card transactions through X-Charge.


EFT Canada                                                           Use the ACH code for US direct deposits for this payment processor.

                                                                                Use the CPA code for Canadian direct deposits for this payment processor.

Network Merchants/Premier Payment Systems –               Use AUTH for Credit Card batch transactions and NEXT for Bank Deposit transactions.

VANCO VANCO Services                                     Use for Credit Cards and EFT transfers. Must have Vanco Client Identifier entered on the Bank Info screen.

                                                                                May also use ACH format option if required.


Bluefin Payment Systems:

The Bank Export, Point of Sale and Client file are integrated with Bluefin Payment Systems: http://bluefin.com/computerease. Using this payment processor ensures that Ease-E-Club application is out of PCI scope.

Bluefin Payment Systems provide Credit Card Transaction Processing for the US and Canada. They also provide direct Bank account payments (ACH) for all US banks. If you are in Canada and want to process direct bank withdrawals, use the appropriate Bank Processor code for that chartered bank.

To apply for a Bluefin account: On Line: http://bluefin.com/computerease, Email: sales.group@bluefin.com, Phone: 800-675-6573 ext 1.


Bluefin Setup:

After creating an account with Bluefin Payment Systems you will be given an Account ID, User Name, Password and API Access Key.

To Activate the Credit Card processing with Bluefin for both the Bank Export and the Point of Sale, this information must be entered using the following procedure.

  1. Go to the Reports Menu in the Ease-E-Club application and select the "Bank Export" option.
  2. On the Bank Export screen selected "BLUE" from the drop down list in the "Processor" field.
  3. Press the "Bank Setup" button on the right.
  4. On the Bank Setup information screen make sure the "Bank/Processor Code" is "BLUE".
  5. Enter the Short Name and Full Name of your facility/company.
  6. Select the Currency Code: "CAD" for Canada, "USD" for United States.
  7. Enter the Bluefin Account ID into the User ID Field. This will be emailed to you from Bluefin.
  8. Enter the Bluefin API Access Key into the SignOn#/API Key Field. This should be copied and pasted from the email you receive from Bluefin.
  9. The Web Site field should automatically get filled in with "https://secure.quickswipe.com/api/qsapi/3.6/". If it does not, enter it.
  10. Enter the Transaction Description. Default is "CLIENT FEES".
  11. The User Name and Password does not need to be entered in the Ease-E-Club application. It is required for the Bluefin Quickswipe Virtual Terminal.
  12. Press the "Save" button and you will be returned to the main Bank Export screen.
  13. For complete setup details see the Bluefin Setup help File: Bluefin Setup


Processing Procedure:



First Time Use:

If you are using this function for the first time, select your Payment Processor or Format from the drop down list (eg. ACH, PNP, ROYAL, CIBC, Vanco, etc). Now press the “[Bank Setup]” button and load your company banking information. Not all fields will apply, so only fill in the fields required by your payment processor or bank. The “ACH” option should be used for US Banking where applicable, unless your payment processor requires another format such as “TEXT” , “NEXT” or “PNP”. Any mistakes made in your Bank Setup may result in your deposit file being rejected. It is strongly recommended that you send your payment processor a “TEST” file prior to live operation. This will ensure that both your Bank data and your exported client data are in the correct format. The Payment Processor or bank you select may accept just bank deposits or just credit cards or both; the system automatically detects this and will select the appropriate “Payment Type(s)”. Some processors do not accept credit cards, so you may have to deal with a new payment processor or process these manually.

If you are dealing with “Money Movers”, you will need to create 2 files; one for Direct Deposit Banking transactions using the “ACH” processor code and one for Credit Cards using the “MMC” processor code.



Process Steps:


Each time you want to EXPORT/PROCESS your deposits and/or credit card transactions, perform the following steps: Please review the processors specific instructions at the end of this Help File.


Select the appropriate Cut Off Date; the default is the current system date. The system will use this date to compare to the client’s Payment Due date. If the client’s Payment Due date is older than the Cut Off date the payment will be included. It is critical that the Payment Due Date, Future Payment Method and Monthly Fee are accurate in the client file.

The system will ONLY take ONE payment each time the process is run… if the client has a Payment Due Date TWO months ago only ONE payment will be taken and ONE month advanced.

NOTE: It is usually not necessary or recommended to enter a “Starting Date” because this may cause a payment to be skipped if someone entered a date incorrectly and it occurs before the Start Date.

The Receipt Date will be today’s date unless changed. NOTE: this may be set by certain processors and should not be changed. This is the date that will appear in the receipt history file, if this field is filled in. This allows the update to back date or future date receipts as needed. As an Example, if you are processing transactions for April 30th and the current system date is May 1st, you may want to change the Receipt Date to April 30th so that the receipts will be dated in April. This date is also used as the Effective Date in the ACH,CPA,CBA,UBA and NBC export files.

NOTE: If the Receipt Date field is left empty, the Receipt History date will use the client’s Payment Due Date.


2. Press the [Start Payment Search] button. All records with a Payment Due Date before or on the Cut Off Date and after the Start Date will be selected for export and added to the on screen Payment List.

            NOTE: If you are using the POS system and have posted receipts using the “Include In Next Bank Export” option the number of these receipts are shown on a RED button in the upper left corner. This is for information purposes only.


3. Press the [Print List] button to list all the payments selected. Problems with account format or Contract Expiry dates that are exceeded will be flagged as Alerts in this payment list. Use this payment list to balance to your actual bank deposit, where applicable.


4. As a balancing and cross check procedure the Payment Due Report (button) should be printed and compared to the Bank Export Deposit Report to check if anything has been missed. The Payment Due report ignores the payment type thus will pick up records that may be coded incorrectly and missed by the bank export.


5. Review the problems displayed in the Alert colume. If you need to correct anything, exit the Bank Export screen and go to the Client/Member file and make changes there. Items may be deleted from the list by double clicking the item. Note: Deleted items will re-appear on the list if another search is done. Some items on the Alert list are just notations and may be OK for processing.

ALERTS:          CC Expiry         - Credit Card has expired. (You will need to get a new credit card expiry date from the client before processing)

                        CC Type           - Credit Card type field in client File is NOT filled in.

                        CC Number       - Credit Card Number in client File not filled in properly. (You will need to get a proper credit card number from the client)

                        Routing No       - Routing Number in client File NOT filled in properly. (You will need to correct this before processing)

                        Bank Code        - Bank Code field in client File NOT filled in properly (Canada Only)

                        Bank Account   - Bank Account field in client File not filled in properly. (You will need to correct this before processing)

                        Bank Transit      - Bank Transit field in client File not filled in properly. (You will need to correct this before processing)

                        Contract Expired- Contract Expiry Date in client File is past. (Depending on how your contracts work you may need to have the client renew their contract)

                        ADD-REC[123456] Additional receipt from the POS added to export [The “Include In Next Bank Export” option was used in the POS posting]

OS Collections  - Outstanding collections exist for this client. (You may want to exclude this payment until the outstanding collection is paid.)

Prior PMT Missing - Prior Month Bank Export payment could not be found. The system checks to see if a regular Bank Export receipt is in the receipt history for the client for the prior month. If not found this alert will appear. If the client paid over the counter, was on hold or is a new client this alert may be displayed also. The purpose is just to display an alert so you can check the records and be sure that a previous payment was not missed. If a payment was not missed the alert can be ignored. The “Prior PMT Missing” alert will appear when the client did not have a receipt transaction in the prior month with a “[BE]” in the description field. There may be several reasons why the alert would be there even though the client had a receipt in the prior month. If the prior month receipt was posted manually through the POS or Receipt screen of the prior month payment was posted not in the prior month be in the month before that.

                        JOINING FEE    - This is a Joining Fee payment for a newclient.

No Basic Fee - This means that the member has no Periodic Fee in the Payment Details Tab and no Basic Membership Code set up in Payment Details. In this situation the Payment Due Date will NOT be advanced.




IMPORTANT: If you are creating a TEST file prior to live operations, you should UNCHECK the “Update Receipt History” check box. Doing this will prevent receipts records from being created and also prevent the Payment Due date from advancing in the client file.


6. Press the [Start Update and Create File]” button. This will update the Receipt History, Advance the client Payment Due dates in the client file and create the Bank Export file. If any problems still exist in the list a warning message will be displayed requesting confirmation to proceed. All problems should be resolved prior to updating. A message box will be displayed after the file is created indicating the location and name of the export file. Write down this location and name so you can find the file and send it to your payment processor or import it into other software.


7. This step will depend on how you are processing your payments. If you are using an external Payment Processor or Bank, send or upload the export file to your processor or bank. The payment processor usually provides an Internet Web site called a “Gateway” where you upload this file. The Export File will be located in the “C:\Health\Bank” folder, unless this has been changed. If your work station is connected via Windx in a Client/Server setup and you want to save the export file to your local machine precede the folder name with "[wdx]" (without the quotes).

If you are using Banking Software or Check Printing software, import the payment file into that application using their utilities.

After the export you may print the Daily Receipt report to verify that all receipts were processed correctly. You should also spot check to see that the client Payment Due dates have been advanced properly.


8. Confirm with your payment processor that the batch file was received and that all payments were processed. Many payment processors provide a return list of all accepted and rejected payments.


9. After the payment batch file has been sent to your payment processor and it is confirmed that all payments have been processed it should be deleted from the “C:\Health\Bank” folder. This is recommended because it may contain bank and credit card information.


REJECTED PAYMENTS – If any payments are rejected by your payment processor because of NSF (Non Sufficient Funds), these should be posted through the “Returned Payments” option. This posting creates a credit record for the NSF transaction and places a record in the Collection File for follow up. For more detail, on this, see the Returned Payment help file.


Joining Fee: The system determines if the Joining Fee is owed by a flag called “Joining Fee Paid” in the Payments tab of the client file. If you use the bank export to record the clients first receipt after they join the system takes the joining fee and changes this flag to being checked; which means the fee is paid. If you post a manual receipt and collect the Joining Fee you need to change this flag to checked so the system does not try to take the joining fee again.




WARNING: If you need to view or modify the contents of any of the export files created; view it with Notepad ONLY … NEVER insert any extra spaces or lines unless directed by your payment processor or support technician.



Other on Screen Items:



Top Menu: ADD-ON Receipts:

This is an ADD-ON inquiry list and maintenance function. On the top menu an option called “ADD ON Receipts” will display all ADD-ON Receipt records. If an item on the list is double clicked a Modify/Delete screen will allow changes to the existing ADD-ON Record or the ability to delete it. This Does NOT delete or modify the original Receipt Record in Receipt History.



Selected Payment Type.

This field will filter the export records so that ONLY the one payment type will be selected. This may be used for selecting just ONE payment type such as “CD” or “WELLNESS” or a 3rd party insurance company. This may also require that a new payment type be added to the payment type table and assigned to clients. Normally this is left blank and all payment types are processed.


Warning Amount:

This amount is used to check each payment amount to verify that it is not higher. If any payment is higher a warning message is displayed when the payment list is created. By default this field will be set to 100.00 and can be adjusted as needed. This is just a double check that no payment amount is higher than this threshold and is intended as an alert if this occurs.  



The Receipt Date is used when creating the receipt history record. If left empty, the receipt history date will be the client Payment Due Date. This feature enables easier reconciliation of bank accounts with your receipt history.


Member/Client Product Code for History:

The Product Code must be selected before an export can be done. This product code will be used for all receipt records unless the “Include Type Code” box is checked. Set this to a product Code that has the “client Fee” category set in the Product Table.

If the client record has “Detail Payments” entered the Product Code used for these detail payments will be used.


Include Type Code:

If this is checked the system will use the client Type from the client file as the Product Code when updating the receipt history. This enables various product codes to be used when creating receipts.

Note: Set up the same Product Code as the client Type code when using this option.


Include Offset Credit:

This only applies when producing files in ACH format, most banks do NOT require an “Offset Credit” entry in the export file. Turn off the offset credit entry by UNCHECKING the field “Include Offset Credit” check box.



If you want to use this utility for the purpose of just creating Receipt History records, without sending information to a bank or payment processor, uncheck the “Check Bank Accounts” check box; use the “R_BNK” processor code to Record Bank Deposit receipts and the “R_CC” processor code to Record Credit Card Receipts. Press the “Start Payment Search” button, Print the list and verify that everything is correct. Then press the “Record Receipts Only” button. This procedure will save you time because receipts will be automatically created for all your clients and you do not need to post each one manually and the Payment Due dates will be advanced to the next due date.


Reverse Previous Export

This feature allows you to reverse the previous export.


It will create a credit receipt for each file and change the due dates back to the original dates.


            Select the Reverse Previous Export button at the bottom left hand corner of the Bank export screen.

Verify that this is what you want to do. Select YES on the verification screen.

            If the reversal has been successful the Reversal Complete Panel will appear.

            Click OK to exit.

NOTE:  This feature will only reverse the immediate prior Bank Export and ONLY applies to the information in Ease-E-Club and does not reverse any files exported to your payment processor or bank.



Common problems:

If a specific client payment record does not appear in the Bank Export search list go to the client file on the Main menu. Lookup the client. Check the following items:

Active status at the top of the screen to be sure they are “Active”.

The HOLD button is NOT Red/Yellow; meaning the client is NOT on Hold or Future Hold.

Payment Due Date in the Payment Details Tab should be older than the cut off date used in the Bank Export.

The Future Payment Method in the Payment Details Tab should be set to Either a Direct Deposit type or a Credit Card Type that you are processing.

The Periodic Fee Total amount must be greater than ZERO.

If all these items appear to be correct, make note of the Future Payment Method and go to the Payment Type Table on the Tables Menu. In the Payment Type Table enter the Future Payment Method you noted and see if it is flagged for inclusion in the Bank Deposit or Credit Card file.




Payment Processor Details:


Authorize.net (AUTH):

The AUTH code (Authorize.net) produces a batch file of payment transactions and accesses the Authorize.net payment gateway after the file is created. The file format is the Authorize.net DEFAULT format as specified on their web site. If your file gets rejected check to be sure you are using their default format.



CIBC Bank Export:

The CIBC bank export in 80 BYTE format will process all payments batched by due date, which will be the date the client payment is due. Be sure to have Version 4.20.14 or later installed for this feature. On the Bank Information screen, the “Data Centre Code” is the “Receiving Data Centre” and must be a 5 digit code supplied by the bank; with leading zeros inserted; such as “01030”.



ROYAL Bank Export:

The ROYAL bank export file uses the clients Payment Due date as the payment date in the file.


TD (Toronto Dominion) Bank Export:

The TD bank export file uses the clients Payment Due date as the payment date in the file.


Toronto Dominion Bank:

Use TD for Direct Deposits only

Use TD600 for Credit Cards only

IMPORTANT: Process TD transactions first then TD600 transactions. If not done in this sequence there may be direct deposits mixed into the TD600 file and it will be rejected. This cannot be corrected until all TD processing centers are using the same rules.


ACH Files:

If you want a specific “Effective Date” in the ACH file, fill in the “Receipt Date” field and this date will be used in the ACH file as the “Effective Date”.

Note: Some Banks require the Destination ID be the Transit Number. If this is the case you MUST put the Transit Number in the EFT Processor Destination ID filed in the Bank Setup screen.


LaserFax – Express Check Interface (For printing Check Drafts):

Express Check is a software application that allows you to print “Check Drafts” (CD’s), to your printer and use these in your bank deposit. This software is available from http://www.laserfax.com. Express Check software is FREE when you purchase checks. All questions regarding this software should be directed to them at 1-800-677-6757 (Eric Ebert).

If you want to use the Express Check software to print your CD’s, the Bank Export utility will create a batch file that can be imported into the Express Check software.


Setup Procedure:

1      IMPORTANT: Make sure that all routing numbers used in the clients File have been set up in the Bank Code Table. Without these bank names the CD’s will not print properly. Invalid Routing numbers will result in an ERROR 13 generated by the Express Check software when you try to import.

2      You must have a proper “Future Payment” method assigned to all clients. Use “Debit/EFT” or set up a new Payment Type code called “CD” for this purpose. This code must be assigned to all clients that a CD is to be printed for.

3      In the Fitness Software; Reports & Tables menu; Bank Export screen select “EC” as your Processor Code.

4      Change the Bank Export Folder by pressing the “Change” button next to the “Folder Location of Export File” field. Navigate to the folder where the Express Check software is installed. This is usually found in a folder on the “C:” drive in a folder called “C:\Program Files\Laserfax\Express Check”. Select the folder by pressing the “OK” button.

5      Press the “Bank Setup” button and fill in the Default Information fields, including Company Information and Company Accounts fields. In the Transfer File Name, select “CODE+DATE”. This will construct an export file name starting with the letters “EC” followed by a date in “YYMMDD” format, plus “.TXT”.

6      After completing all fields save the record and exit this screen.

7      On the Bank Export screen, select your “Cut-Off” date and press the “Start Payment Search” button. All clients set up for CD processing with a payment due should be listed.

8      Print the payment list and compare it to your Payment Due report as a cross check to see that everyone is included. If items are missing review the client file Payment Method and Payment due date to see why they didn’t get picked up. The Date in the Express Check export file will always be Payment Due date from the client file.

9      If everything is correct, press the “Start Update and Create File” button. Answer the prompts and write down the File name given for this export file and the folder where it is located.

10    You can now exit the Fitness Software and go into the Express Check software.

11    After you enter your password in Express Check, you should see a message that a Computerease Import file has been found and it will ask if you want to import it. Press the YES button. If you DO NOT see this message then the Computerease Export file is not in the proper folder. You must find the export file and move it to the “C:\Program Files\Laserfax\Express Check\” folder, and re-start Express Check.

12    Express Check will now display a message that “# checks successfully imported from file “EC+YYMMDD+”>TXT”. “OK to print checks?”. Press the “YES” button and select your printer. Answer the last prompt, “OK to print checks”… press the “YES” button. Make sure you have the proper forms and ink loaded into your printer.

13    The next prompt is “Did the checks print correctly?”. Press the “YES” button if they did, otherwise press the “NO” button and select the re-print option.

14    After printing the CD’s the import file “EC+YYMMDD+”.TXT” is moved to a backup folder called “C:\Program Files\Laserfax\Express Check\ImportBackup”. If you need to re-print the check drafts from this import file, copy the file from there to the “C:\Program Files\Laserfax\Express Check\” folder and re-start Express Check.

15    Your Check Drafts are now ready to use.




VANCO interface, for processing EFTs and Credit Cards

Vanco is a software application that allows you to process EFTs and credit card transactions at one time. All questions regarding this software should be directed to Vanco.

If you want to use the Vanco software to process your EFTs and credit card transactions, the Bank Export utility will create a batch file that can be imported into the Vanco software.

Setup Procedure:

1      In the Fitness Software; Reports & Tables menu; Bank Export screen select “VANCO” as your Processor Code.

2      All clients that you want included in the export to Vanco must have a valid “Future Payment” method for one of the Credit Card payment types.

3      Press the “Bank Setup” button and fill in the Default Information fields, including Company Information and Company Accounts fields. You MUST have the Vanco Client Identifier entered on the Bank Info screen in the Originator # / Tax field. This will be an ES number provided by Vanco. In the Transfer File Name, select “CODE+DATE”. This will construct an export file name starting with the letters “ES” followed by a date in “YYMMDD” format, plus the number of the export i.e. 01 followed by “.csv” After completing all fields save the record and exit this screen.

4      On the Bank Export screen, select your “Cut-Off” date. NOTE: the receipt date will automatically be set by the software. DO NOT change this unless instructed by the Saturday / Sunday warning box that comes up on the screen.

5      Press the “Start Payment Search” button. All clients set up for EFT and credit card processing with a payment due on or before the cut off date selected, should be listed. Print the payment list and compare it to your Payment Due report as a cross check to see that everyone is included. If items/clients are missing, exit the Bank Export and review the client file Payment Method, Payment due date and Periodic / Monthly fee to see why they didn’t get picked up. Once corrected, repeat step 4.

6      If everything is correct, press the “Start Update and Create File” button. Answer the prompts and write down the File name given for this export file and the folder where it is located.

7      You can now exit the Bank Export in the Fitness Software and go into the Vanco software.

8      In the Vanco software, follow their on screen instructions for import of the batch file.

9      Navigate to the “C:\Health\Bank” folder, or the folder you used when creating the export file.

10    You should see the file name you just exported from the Fitness software. It will be named “ES________”+YYMMDD+”.csv”. Example “ES123465100425.csv”.

11    Complete the import as per Vanco instructions.

12    This completes the payment process.



CheckWriter Interface (For printing Check Drafts)

CheckWriter is a software application that allows you to print “Check Drafts” (CD’s), to your printer and use these in your bank deposit. This software is available from http://www.checkwriter.net. It may be purchased on line from them. All questions regarding this software should be directed to them.

If you want to use the CheckWriter software to print your CD’s, the Bank Export utility will create a batch file that can be imported into the CheckWriter software.

Setup Procedure:

  1. Make sure that all routing numbers have been set up in the Bank Code Table. Without these bank names the CD’s will not print properly.
  2. You must have a proper “Future Payment” method assigned to all clients. Use “Debit/EFT” or set up a new Payment Type code called “CD” for this purpose. This code must be assigned to all clients that a CD is to be printed for.
  3. In the Fitness Software; Reports & Tables menu; Bank Export screen select “CW” as your Processor Code.
  4. Change the Bank Export Folder by pressing the “Change” button next to the “Folder Location of Export File” field. Navigate to the folder where the CheckWriter software is installed. This is usually found in the folder on your “C:” drive called “C:\Program Files\CheckWriter”. Select the folder by pressing the “OK” button.
  5. Press the “Bank Setup” button and fill in the Default Information fields, including Company Information and Company Accounts fields. In the Transfer File Name, select “CODE+DATE”. This will construct an export file name starting with the letters “CW” followed by a date in “YYMMDD” format, plus “.TXT”.
  6. After completing all fields save the record and exit this screen.
  7. On the Bank Export screen, select your “Cut-Off” date and press the “Start Payment Search” button. All clients set up for CD processing with a payment due should be listed.
  8. Print the payment list and compare it to your Payment Due report as a cross check to see that everyone is included. If items are missing review the client file Payment Method and Payment due date to see why they didn’t get picked up.
  9. If everything is correct, press the “Start Update and Create File” button. Answer the prompts and write down the File name given for this export file and the folder where it is located.
  10. You can now exit the Fitness Software and go into the CheckWriter software.
  11. In the CheckWriter software, select the “File” option from the top menu.
  12. Select the “Import” option.
  13. Select Import File Type of “WebDebit File (.txt)”
  14. Press the “Browse” button. You should see the file name you just exported from the Fitness software. It will be named “CW”+YYMMDD+”TXT”. Example “CW050520.TXT”. If you do not see it, the default folder for the bank export in step 1, may not be correct. If you don’t see the file, try navigating to the “C:\Health\Bank” folder to see if it is there.
  15. Press the Open button to select the import file.
  16. Press the “Import” to import the bank records.
  17. A message will be displayed that records have been imported. If any errors are noted, these should be investigated.
  18. Close the “Import Screen”
  19. The CD records have now been imported into CheckWriter and are flagged for printing.
  20. In the “View” menu, select the “Table View” option.
  21. At the bottom of the Table View, select “Unprinted”. The table will then just display the new records imported.
  22. At the top of the table click on the last column called “Prt?” and all lines should be highlighted.
  23. Press the “Printer” icon button.
  24. Answer the question “Print Detail below check”.
  25. Select the Printer.
  26. Checks will be displayed on screen for review.
  27. Press the “Printer” icon at the top of the display to start printing.
  28. Exit the Check Display screen.
  29. CheckWriter has now marked these records as printed.
  30. Separate and/or cut the CD’s and include with your bank deposit.


PCCharge Software Interface (For processing Credit Cards):

PCCharge is a software application that allows you to process credit card transactions and have them processed through your payment processor for update to your bank. This software is available from your local bank or independent payment processor. All questions regarding this software should be directed to them.

If you want to use the PCCharge software to process your credit card transaction, the Bank Export utility will create a batch file that can be imported into the PCCharge software.

Setup Procedure:

1      In the Fitness Software; Reports & Tables menu; Bank Export screen select “PCC” as your Processor Code.

2      All clients that you want included in the export to PCCharge must have a valid “Future Payment” method for one of the Credit Card payment types.

3      Press the “Bank Setup” button and fill in the Default Information fields, including Company Information and Company Accounts fields. In the Transfer File Name, select “CODE+DATE”. This will construct an export file name starting with the letters “PCC” followed by a date in “YYMMDD” format, plus “.DAT”.

4      After completing all fields save the record and exit this screen.

5      On the Bank Export screen, select your “Cut-Off” date and press the “Start Payment Search” button. All clients set up for credit card processing with a payment due should be listed.

6      Print the payment list and compare it to your Payment Due report as a cross check to see that everyone is included. If items are missing review the client file Payment Method and Payment due date to see why they didn’t get picked up.

7      If everything is correct, press the “Start Update and Create File” button. Answer the prompts and write down the File name given for this export file and the folder where it is located.

8      You can now exit the Fitness Software and go into the PCCharge software.

9      In the PCCharge software, run the “Import” function to import the file created in the Fitness Software.

10    Navigate to the “C:\Health\Bank” folder, or the folder you used when creating the export file.

11    You should see the file name you just exported from the Fitness software. It will be named “PCC”+YYMMDD+”DAT”. Example “PCC050520.DAT”.

12    After you “Open” the file, PCCharge will display a message that transactions have been imported and give a total dollar value. This should be the same as the total from your Bank Export report.

13    PCCharge will now dial/connect to your payment processor and “Authorize” all the transactions. This step just reserves the charge against the credit card, but does not process it.

14    Run the transaction report to review the charges and see that everything is OK.

15    These transactions now must be “Settled” within the PCCharge software. Run the End of Day or Settlement procedure to have these transactions processed and credited to your bank.

16    This completes the payment process.




ACH Direct:

The ACH Direct payment processor works with a special file software utility called “Transporter” to upload your payment transaction batch file to their payment gateway. Prior to installing the Transporter software utility you need to apply for and receive your merchant ID, User ID, Gateway Password and Transporter Password from ACH Direct. (1-888-235-4635 or 1-866-290-5400)

Your contact at ACH Direct will be: Dustin Poole, Payments Specialist, T: 800-337-3060 ext 750, F: 469-675-8733, dustin.poole@paymentsgateway.com



Transporter Setup Instructions:

  1. Download the Transporter utility from: https://www.paymentsgateway.net/apps/transhnet.zip and save it to your Desktop.
  2. Double click the “transhnet.zip” file on the desktop and Extract/Unzip the 2 files to your Desktop.
  3. You should now have THREE files on your Desktop; “transhnet.zip”, “setup.exe” and “TransHNet.msi
  4. Double click the “setup.exe” file to install the Transporter utility.
  5. This will install the Transporter into a folder called: “C:\TransHNet”.
  6. Please refer to the Transporter documentation file “ACH Transporter Users Guide v2.1.pdf
  7. When you apply for an ACH Direct account you will be given a Merchant ID Number, and a User ID Number. The User ID Number is also your Transmitter ID that is used in the Transporter setup.
  8. ACH Direct will also give you a separate password to be used in the Transporter setup.
  9. If you have problems setting up the Transporter call ACH Direct at 1-888-235-4635 or 1-866-290-5400
  10. Delete the THREE files from your desktop noted in item 2 above.


ACH Direct Bank Setup Instructions:

  1. Go to the Reports Menu; Bank Export option. On this screen select the Processor Code: ACHD - “ACH Direct”
  2. Press the “Bank Setup” button.
  3. In the Short Name field enter the Company Name assigned to you by ACH Direct.
  4. In the Originator # field enter the Merchant ID# assigned to you by ACH Direct.
  5. In the User ID# field enter the User ID number assigned to you by ACH Direct. This is also your TRANSMITTER number.
  6. In the Sign On ID# field enter the Transporter Password assigned to you by ACH Direct.
  7. In the Last File Creation Number filed enter “0” (ZERO).
  8. In the Transaction Desc field enter “client FEE”
  9. In the After File Process field enter “C:\TransHNet\TransHNet.exe” or select it from the drop down. (If you installed the Transporter utility somewhere else enter that location)
  10. Press the “SAVE” button.
  11. On the Main Bank Export screen in the Folder Location of Export File section press the Change button. Navigate to the “C:\TransHNet\SEND” folder press the OK button.
  12. The Folder Location of Export File should now be set to “C:\TransHNet\SEND”.


ACH Direct Process Instructions:

  1. Enter the cut off date for your search for payments due.
  2. Press the “Start Payment Search” button.
  3. Review the alerts and correct/delete and items that are wrong.
  4. Print the payment list.
  5. Print the Payment Due Report as cross check for accuracy.
  6. Press the Record Receipts and Create File button.
  7. After the ACH Direct batch file is created the Transporter Utility will run.
  8. On the Transporter screen press the “Check” button.
  9. The Transporter will move the transaction batch file to a “SENT” sub folder.
  10. The Transporter will upload the transaction batch file and download an acknowledgement file.
  11. The acknowledgement file will be placed into a “RECEIVE” sub folder for review if you need it.
  12. You will receive an email acknowledgement regarding the process of ACH and Credit Card transactions.
  13. The Transporter will download a RESPONSE ERRORS file containing any rejected transactions and reason codes.
  14. You will also get an email notification of rejected items and you can log into their web site to review in detail.



The ERRORS file should be reviewed and rejected items posted through the Returned Payments option on the Main Menu.